Virtual reality is an immersive adventure that includes various senses and, most importantly, responds to the spectator’s intended communication. From the newest days of synchronized film and sound playback, the vision of being in a different place or time, and creating an emotional response to the experience, has been the aim of most modern communication and entertainment mediums.
In VR, this vision is referred to as presence, where not only the sights and sounds are believable, but the ‘show’ itself responds to the participant’s actions in a credible way. Virtual tour software is a great way to market your product and services.

It is not hard to believe how complex the experience of scanning through a gallery of pictures can be when they are not just thumbnails on a fixed grid but rather virtually hung by the artist in a large VR room that imitates a physical gallery space. VR video continues the actual immersion of being in the midst of an occupied plaza or sitting inside a rally car during a nighttime ice race. The chances to share even simple, regular events become less about what was on the stage at the time and more about what the entire place felt like.
With plenty of images online, users are used to seeing them frequently, and it is hard to get attention. With 360 images, users see something entirely distinct, many of them will have never seen before.
The tone and detail included within a 360 image are something that a normal image cannot imitate. A user’s ability to explore a scene in the full 360 degrees is completely unique to 360 photography. This is what makes it an ideal way for property marketing and event showcasing.
Most people think that 360 videos are immediately better than 360 images, but this is not the case. Each has its own applications, and in many scenarios, 360 photography is the better option.
The main reasons for choosing 360 photography over 360 videos are:
- More economical cost
- Greater image quality
- Small file size
Because the pictures come in a smaller file size than their video equivalents, they can be uploaded straight to social media and websites. The smaller size allows faster uploads and faster website activities.
It may amaze you to find out that 360 photography usually produces a higher quality image, but this is due to the difference in capture method and equipment.